2004 CHOICES Presenters
Cynthia Andry - Pulaski County Branch of NAACP
Michelle Beckley - Fort Wood Hotels
Amber Box - City of Waynesville
Shelly Den Dekker - Infuze Credit Union
Kerstin Ellis - 1913 Waynesville, LLC
Chantel Higdon - Liberty Park Apartments
Gracie Hutchinson - WSR Chamber Staff
Jason Jorgensen-Horn - NextHome Team Ellis
David Lowe - Lowe Dreesen Miller, LLC
Matthew Miller - Lowe Dreesen Miller, LLC
John Moore - City of St. Robert
Don Murray - Friend of the Chamber
Rosalind Pride - Free Women's Center of Pulaski County
Walter Reese - City of St. Robert
Pastor Brett Reith - Waypoint United Methodist Church
Ruby Riley - Pulaski County Branch of NAACP
Janel Rowell - Fort Wood Hotels
Laura Schoephorster - Friend of the Chamber
Dr. Charles Slider - St. Robert Historical Preservation Committee
Marianne Ward - Waynesville R-VI School District
Janice Wilson - Greater Faith Church